THE Scottish Woodlot Association (SWA) recently held a well-attended open day in south-west Scotland, helping to raise the profile of this "innovative approach" to small-scale woodland management.

The event included demonstrations of low-impact timber extraction using horses and chainsaw milling, and also provided an opportunity to showcase the results of some ten years of woodlot management by Andy and Gail Brown at Castle Wood Caerlaverock.

Forestry Journal:

There was also the chance to discuss the creation of new woodlots along similar lines across Scotland to the benefit of both woodlotters and landowners.

Andy Brown, director of Scottish Woodlots Association and co-manager of Caerlaverock Woodlot with Gail Brown, said: “It was a great afternoon at Caerlaverock Woodlot after many months of preparation.

Forestry Journal: Rory enjoyed the chance to have a go himself Rory enjoyed the chance to have a go himself (Image: Ted Leeming and Gail Brown)

"It was great to see old and new members of the Scottish Woodlot Association as well as members of the local community, who came along to support the day and find out more.

"It was inspiring seeing the different ways of working on the Woodlot and great to get the many kids visiting  involved, watching and petting the horses or brushing the logs down for the milling. 

Forestry Journal:

"As a family we really enjoyed welcoming people to the Woodlot and many thanks to Caerlaverock Estate for hosting the woodlot and the event. We are looking forward to the next one!”

The Scottish Woodlot Association (SWA) was established in 2012 as a co-operative, and is run by volunteers with ambitious aims to promote and support a network of woodlots across Scotland ( 

Castle Wood is a diverse and distinctive mixed woodland lying just to the south of Caerlaverock Castle on the beautiful Solway coast in Dumfries and Galloway. It is part of the Caerlaverock Estate which is managed for agriculture, sporting and nature restoration.